Ahoj kamarádi!
Last week we didn't have much time to email, so I didn't bother writing a weekly, sorry.
In result of that, this email might be a bit longer than usual.
Last week was an interesting one though.
other day we decided that we were going to go out for dinner. We found
this Nepalese and Indian Restaurant and decided to go. We went inside
and it had just opened, so we were the only ones there. They said,
"Namaste" when we came in, but then just stared at us... They finally
asked what we wanted and Sister Melcrová said, "eat." haha so they sat
us down and I looked at the menu and it was SOO expensive. Sister
Melcrovà didn't look at the menu and ordered a water. The guy left to
get her water and I told her how expensive it was and she looked down
We weren't too sure what to do, so they brought us the water and Sister
Melcrova chugged it down and decided to go pay for it and tell them
that we couldn't stay because it was too expensive and then they would
just say okay and everything would be fine and we could leave, but that
didn't happen...
She went up to pay and said
the schbeel and the guy said, "no no no, don't leave, I will give you
guys a discount, how much can you afford??" Sister Melcrová protested,
but gave up and sat down to consult with me about it. He came over and
insisted on us getting dinner, softer figuring out our budget for the
next couple weeks, we decided that we could pay £8. He left and made us
some curry that was really good. The whole time we were the only people
in the place. Sometimes people would walk in, but we're just friends and
didn't sit down to eat.
Finally, we we're finished and they took our plates, we were definitely ready to leave.
one came to have us pay... We looked up and the guy wasn't there and we
couldn't go pay because no one else new that we couldn't afford it. So
we waited there for a good while and Sister Melcrová again was the brave
one and saw the guy and walked up to the counter and began to talk to
him. I saw that they were having a nice conversation, so I went up and
joined them. This guy was so nice!! He was saying how he had been in
this type of situation before and knows how frustrating it can be. We
talked a bit about yoga and the we asked him if we could do something in
return for letting us eat, even though we didn't have the money. He
asked us to give the restaurant a review on TripAdvisor, so we did and
then he added us on Facebook and yeah we left. I know that most of you
didn't get to the end of this, but if you did, congratulations because
this was the most awkward moment of my life.
week we found 2 new friends!! One was a guy named Glenn. We played a
game where we picked a colour and then focused on stopping those people.
We were walking into town and this guy got off the bus and he was
wearing a bright green jacket. Sister Melcrová turned to me and said,
"This is the guy, here we go!" We had a really good talk with him and
then had an on the spot lesson!!!
taught another guy named James. James pretty much is a member already.
He keeps all the commandments and just needs to pray to know if the
church is true.


last conference :( Elder Sabin came and taught us a lot. At one point
in the conference he had all the dying missionaries stand up and he
said, "Which on of you is Sister Edholm." I rose my hand and he had me
say my whole name. He then said, "Sister Emma Edholm, you are hereby
called to serve as a missionary for the church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints, you are assigned to labour in the Scotland/Ireland Mission.
You are to serve for 4 weeks." and then he said, "Do you accept this
call?" Obviously I said yes. I thought a lot about that afterwards and
it made me want to work harder. Especially because I don't have a lot of
time left. I want to make it the best 4 weeks of my whole mission.
Anyway just thought I would share that.
I hope that y'all have a great week!! Tune in next week for a shorter email that people will still not read hahah.
Na shledanou!
Sister Edholm :)