Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The List by Melanie Jacobson

I've read The List more than a few times. The plot is pretty simplistic, but I do enjoy the characters and so find myself picking it up every couple of years to reread. 
Ashley is about to start her masters degree and is spending the summer with her cousins in southern California. She has a List she has made of things to do before she gets married. She wants to knock a few of them out this summer before going back to Utah to school. One of them is to have a summer fling. She meets Matt and of course things begin to look like they could be more serious, but Ashley only wants her list completed, not a real relationship. Their adventures together are sweet and even though Ashley's actions are a little frustrating, I still really enjoy reading her story. 

Recommend: yes

LDS fiction, romance, beach, summer

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