Sunday, September 1, 2024

Thorn by Intisar Khanani

Retold and remixed fairy tales are a favorite genre of mine. Thorn is VERY loosely based on The Goose Girl with plots and characters not found in the orginal tale. The main character has courage and stamina and also reacts to hard situations in a real way. She has endured abuse and that colors how she sees people and situations and affects her trust of people's motivations. I liked how that is still a part of her and yet she can still find ways to show mercy to people who have wronged her without allowing them to continue to hurt her. 

This is the first book in the series called, Dauntless Path. Each succeeding book focuses on a new main character while the previous book's main character takes a back seat while this new story is told. I enjoyed this a lot and have already started the second book, The Theft of Sunlight.

Recommend: Yes

Young Adult fiction, fairy tale, fantasy

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