Monday, September 17, 2018

Sister Edholm -- week 41

I have learned a lot this week!!

We went on exchanges on Thursday. I went with Sister Peterson, which was so fun because she was in Paisley when I was in Greenock. I love her! It wasn't what we would have liked it to be, they got a flat tire, so we had to go and get that fixed and so we sat at the garage for a good 2 hours. Did some creative finding as we were sitting there though and I asked her loads of questions about Paisley. I am less confused now.

We also got to do some service again this week. No, we didn't baptise anyone this time, instead, we were models lol. This African lady in our ward has a online shop and asked us to help her out. They were grandma clothes and we looked. . . really good. It was fun though. At the end she let us try on some of her traditional African apparel and there is some pictures below. They are great! Also Sadza is delicious.

Elder Massimo De Feo of the seventy came to our stake conference! It was amazing, he is such an inspired man. We were able to go to both the Saturday and the Sunday session. In the Saturday session he talked about how we have too many meetings and sometimes when we go to a meeting we just discuss what we are going to do in the next meeting. lol. He said that once he was in a bishopric and for their bishopric meetings they would all get in a car and pray about someone they could visit and then show up at their door unannounced and he said that sometimes they wouldn't answer their door, but when they did it was amazing because it was an answer to their prayer. In the Sunday session he talked about the story of Jairus in Mark 5. He said that sometimes we lose our faith and think that God has forgotten about us. He likened it to Jairus and how he lost his faith when he was walking with Jesus to heal his daughter and Jesus stopped to see who touched his clothes and then the messenger came to tell him that his daughter had died. Then the people around him told him that it was too late and then Elder De Feo put a lot of emphasis on what Jesus Christ said once he heard "too late." He immediately turns around and in verse 36 he says, "Don't be afraid, only believe." We need to always have faith. I was also reading Jacob 7 this week and in verse 5 he says that his faith cannot be shaken. How can we get our faith that strong? 

Sorry this is a long email!! 

Have a great week!
Sister Edholm

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