Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Sister Edholm -- week 40

Wow this week has been an interesting one... haha.

On Thursday we were asked to help out with this interfaith day for the primary schools around our area, well actually it wasn't in our area, it was in Pollock's. 
We thought that it was going to be talking more about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but we were wrong. It ended up being a Christianity table, which is a pretty broad topic, there are so many branches of Christianity it was hard to represent them all. 
Most of the tables had interactive things on them to keep the kids engaged. At our table, we had a priest outfit and a baby doll and water, to represent baptism. The lady that was helping us with the table, helped the kids put on the priest outfit and do the baptism, but then would say, "these ladies do baptism a little differently, ..." and would explain that we do it when we are older and by full immersion. Well, it was all fine and then she dipped out and we were doing the table by ourselves and the kids didn't really want to listen to us, so we ended up doing over 200 Catholic baptisms... apostate? maybe. lol. 

We met this really cool guy on Friday, we met with him on Saturday. He is so cool. He is Atheist, but is really open-minded and wants to get to know God better. He really liked the concept of the Holy Ghost and sees himself as a spiritual person! 
On our way to teach him though, we ran into this thing called the Orange March. If you don't know what it is, look it up. Pretty much it is Protestants celebrating the fact that they are Protestants and they march around town banging drums. Well. they were blocking where we were meeting our friend, so we had to go all the way around town just to get to him. It ended up being okay. They had fireworks that night, I just imagined it being the 4 July and I was okay.

We are loving it here in Paisley. I am sure that the Elders are probably getting annoyed of us calling them every couple of hours asking where things are... oh well. We are slowly finding our way. 

Love you all, have a great week!
Sister Edholm

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