Monday, January 28, 2019

Sister Edholm -- week 60

God watches out for us.

This week, we had a lot of travel issues and we were VERY low on funds ... hahha. We were supposed to get these zone passes. We went to Glasgow Central to get them on a Wednesday, well turns out that you can't get them on a Wednesday you can only get them on Saturdays. So we went back on Saturday and the way that we were going to pay for them didn't go through, long story short, we had a lot of unnecessary travel with money we didn't have and now we have to wait until next Saturday. 

Sister Peterson called it homeless, but with a home. haha. We were really blessed though with lunch and dinner appointments almost every day. Just so you know, that never happens, so God is really looking out for us!

Anyway don't worry we are getting everything figured out. 

We met this really cool family from India that we had an on the spot lesson with, turns out that they live in our building. They are originally Sikh, but don't have super strong beliefs in it. They came to a baptism that we had at the church!!

I was talking to Sister Elison at that baptism (they were there because her companion sister linco was translating, the people that were baptised were from el salvador and don't speak much english). Sister Elison was saying that they needed someone to give a talk at the baptism they were having that night and I volunteered, so off we went to Paisley. 


Hope you all have had a good week as well!!
Sister Edholm

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