Monday, August 6, 2018

Sister Edholm - week 35

We have had a great week!!

We went to the Polish shop next to our house because we hear that it had Cheetos and it did!! Well . . . I mean it was the Cheeto brand, but they weren't the best. They didn't taste like normal and they had some weird flavours. There was hamburger and hot dog and ketchup. Haha oh well I guess you live and you learn.

We had a great opportunity yesterday to help and feed the homeless with a member from our ward. It was nice to do something different on a Sunday. As a missionary, Sundays aren't that different then the rest of the week. It was such a good experience to see their smiling faces as we gave them a warm meal and some necessities. 

I have been thinking a lot this week about the Spirit and how we are led by it. It has been the biggest struggle of my mission, knowing that I can trust and that the Spirit will guide me. Elder Bednar says that as long as we are being good girls and boys and follow God's commandments that the Spirit will guide us! I learned that this week as we were able to run into one of our friends that we haven't been able to get ahold of, we decided to do our finding loop one more time before dinner and we were able to run into him, God does answer our prayers and is aware of us!

I hope that you all have a great week and know that God loves you!! :)

Sister Edholm

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