Monday, December 9, 2019

Elder Edholm -- week 21

This week went by really fast, and some not fun things happened this week, first with one of our investigators, Gianina, She had a date back in November but her husband told her not to get baptized, so she didn't. And now her husband is not sleeping in their house and so she wants to figure things out with her husband first. And we had an investigator named Elio, and he was really awesome, but then he said that he didn't want to change because he liked drinking and other things. But a good thing is that David is going to get baptized on the 28 of december! He is super solid, we teach him in this park, and he is always 15 minutes early to the lesson. He is going to La Paz until the 26, so that is why his date is so farther away. We also bought christmas lights for our house! we have one outside on our railing type thing, and one inside our room taped around the walls! Super cool. We also found a guy who works for the police that really wants to learn named Ruben Yucra, but he doesn't know his schedule and usually gets back late at night, so we are going to find something out! Something cool, went to a waterfall this week named El Toro, was super cool, I think there will be some pictures attached. Also my goal to finish the Book of Mormon in spanish before christmas was harder than I thought, going to get close though! Spanish is coming along, I spoke in church yesterday, talked about the best gift we can give on Christmas and I said that it is our heart. I remember in Seminary a picture we had on the wall that had a guy giving a heart to Christ while saying, "It is all I have", and Jesus Christ says back, "It is all I want". So I shared that! hope you all have an awesome week and have a willing heart to serve people this week!
Elder Edholm

Picture overload!

Nice selfie

One of the many paths that he walks down

Guess what this is?  Mold. It just grows on the streets. 

Andy found a sweet ride!

Bermejo River

The bottom level are stores and the people who work in the stores live above the stores.

Preparation Day (P-Day) trip today:
P-Day adventure/trip to El Toro Waterfall. That bridge is a bit sketchy.


Seriously scary bridge. Andy said it reminded him of the bridge in the first Shrek movie.

Meet their little friends!

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