Hey everybody! Time is really flying fast out here, I can't believe that I've already been out here for a month!
So in answer to your question mom, yes I saw Elder Wassum last week, and he's a pretty nice guy, he's going home in like two months though I think, so I might see him a bit when I get out into the field.
Well we went contacting at the University again last Friday and it was the best experience ever. We were out for a little over an hour and over half the time we were just talking to this one guy and his girlfriend, his name was Luis. They were super interested in everything we had to say. The guy actually said that he went to Logan, UT not too long ago, and some people there told him about the church. He basically told us that he thought it was stupid how people say that the Book of Mormon is false without even reading it. We gave him and his girlfriend a Book of Mormon, and got his number. I don't want to jump to conclusions or anything, but I could see him getting baptized just because I know that if you read the Book of Mormon you'll know it's true like Moroni promises. But we're going proselyting tomorrow for like seven hours with the missionaries, and I'm pretty excited because it'll give me a taste for what the mission field will be like.
So a Latino group came in two weeks ago and they just left on Tuesday, but I got pretty close with two of them, their names were Elder Chinchilla and Elder Corales. But right before they left Elder Chinchilla told me he wanted to trade me for one of my ties. I let him, and he took one of my favorite ones, but I don't really care because people are more important than ties, and he was always complementing me on my ties, along with everyone else, Dad and I really know how to pick out ties! But it was sad to see them go and this other group of North American missionaries that have been here the whole time I have. Because this MTC is really small, you get really close with everybody, but they all went to Puerto Rico.
So after they left Elder Beach and I actually were made Assistants to the President, which doesn't mean as much here in the MTC as it does in the field, but basically we are just in charge of conducting prayer meetings at night, setting a good example, shutting off the lights and closing the doors at night, and other little things. But 46 new missionaries came in the past two days, which is a lot for this small MTC. The Romneys said they have never had this many missionaries here before. It's a huge change, and it made conducting prayer meeting really nerve-racking. And since that happened we have to share our room with two other missionaries from our district now, Elder Frogley and Elder Koerper, and I've always really liked both of them. Elder Koerper actually is a pitcher for New Mexico State University, and they're D1.
Well I love hearing everything that you guys are doing, like Andy and Emma going on Trek. I wish I could've gone to Yellowstone with you guys, tell the little kids that I miss their smiling faces and the funny things that Peter, Lucy, and Eric say. Telly Andy to keep working hard in football, and Emma in Color Guard. Also it would be nice to hear from Lauren too.
'Till next week
-Elder Edholm
Elder Beach, Elder Corales, Elder Edholm, Elder Chinchilla |