Saturday, May 2, 2015

Father and Son Campout

This weekend was the much anticipated Father and Sons camp-out.  This was done as a stake and the scouts helped lead everything from set up to cooking meals.  My boys had a lot of fun and it was the very last time Palmer will be going with his brothers!

It was a short drive to Hyattville.  I haven't been there, but it's a very small town of about 75 people and it's about 45 minutes away.  Andy said it was really beautiful and Eric wants us all to go there as a family.  It's a popular camping site for the local people and it's only $6 to camp for the night.  Sounds like a small overnight outing in the making for us.

While the boys were gone, Emma and Lucy and I had our own "campout".  We made chocolate crinkle cookies which we ate while watching an episode of "Good Mythical Morning" (a youtube channel).  Then we watched the second Percy Jackson movie, which was much better than the first one.  We then commenced our camping by dragging the mattress into my bedroom and setting up the laptop to watch episodes of Sabrina the Teenage Witch until we fell asleep!  An awesome night!

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